Where Life, Sports and Medicine Intersect!

X’s and O’s of Job Transitions with Amanda Hill

Clear and written agreements are the cornerstone of trust in professional relationships, but some misconceptions often lead professionals astray. Many believe that verbal promises hold the same weight as written agreements, a notion that our guest speaker dispels with clarity. This kind of problem stems from a lack of awareness about the complexities involved in contract review.

Therefore, we must recognize that it's not merely a formality but a shield against potential pitfalls. And that legal guidance is not a luxury but a necessity that ensures professionals enter agreements with eyes wide open. In the light of this, the importance of written contracts cannot be overstated. It is also crucial to recognize red flags and approach negotiations with a strategic mindset. Hence, balancing the importance of written contracts with strategic negotiation is a transformative process where professionals wield contracts not just as binding documents but as instruments of empowerment, steering their careers toward growth and success.

Amanda B. Hill is a well-known and respected healthcare attorney in Austin, TX. With over 20 years of experience practicing healthcare law and coaching and training doctors in patient satisfaction and leadership, Amanda is uniquely positioned to assist doctors with their most pressing and essential issues. Amanda built Guard My Practice because she saw a need – doctors want to feel safe and protected in their businesses but aren't 100% sure how to stay out of trouble. She's seen it all and helped others get through it. Her passion is becoming a partner and trusted confidant to medical groups and doctors to help them navigate through uncertainty and toward peace.

In this special episode with Amanda Hill, we will explore the importance of contract negotiation for physicians and healthcare professionals. You will learn the details involved in contract negotiations, from securing reasonable work schedules and adequate compensation to addressing the evolving dynamics of patient interactions, especially in the age of virtual healthcare. She also highlights the importance of having clear, written agreements in contracts to ensure that promises made during negotiations are upheld. Tune in as we explore the impact of effective contract negotiation on a physician’s trajectory and empower healthcare professionals to advocate for their well-deserved terms and conditions.

“You're the physician, not the entity that controls you and so we all have to stand up together and hold link arms and say physicians have to be autonomous.” – Amanda Hill

Topics Covered:
(00:00:44) Welcoming our guest, Amanda Hill.
(00:01:47) The brief overview: Guard My Practice
(00:04:04) Teamwork Mentality
(00:07:18) Transitioning from old job to new job
(00:09:49) Understand why are you changing jobs
(00:11:21) What position your leverage is
(00:14:00) The hardest part of transitioning
(00:16:25) Know your true worth
(00:20:03) Quick Reminder: Are you enjoying this episode? Please share it, leave a five-star review, and give feedback. Go to TimeOut with the SportsDr website.
(00:21:31) Changes in healthcare business dynamics
(00:24:00) Stand up for autonomy
(00:26:35) The importance of contract review
(00:30:19) Importance of legal guidance
(00:31:52) 90-Day Notice: Find Clarity, Make Choices, Take Control

Key Takeaways:

“It does take a whole community to make sure that we help not just negotiate on the state or federal side.” – Amanda Hill

“Money doesn't create time.” – Amanda Hill

“If you're unhappy, you need to know why you're unhappy because if you are the problem, which sometimes you are, that problem will go with you.” – Dr. Derrick Burgess

“You have to know how to use your leverage and make yourself appear to the next employer that you are the plug that fits that hole and they need you.” – Amanda Hill

“One thing we tie our worth with many times is how much we get paid or how many procedures we can do but truly our worth and our value is worth way more than we'll ever get paid for.” – Dr. Derrick Burgess

“Guarantee yourself a window of time to allow for the transition.” – Amanda Hill

Connect with Amanda Hill:
Website: https://www.guardmypractice.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/guardmypractice
Twitter: https://twitter.com/guardmypractice
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guardmypractice/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/guardmypractice/

Connect with Dr. Derrick Burgess:
Website: https://www.drderrickthesportsdr.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drderrickthesportsdr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeOut.SportsDr
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derrick-burgess-72047b246/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGDu1zT4K_X6PnYELu8weg
Email: thesportsdoctr@gmail.com